Moss Study
I always find moss interesting to look at; there’s so many intricate little patterns and textures. It lends itself well to seeing how light bounces off of it.
Blue Heron
I took this image right as I was packing up after a trip to photograph some a river in the area; this heron honked at me and flew down near me to get his dinner. Sometimes, the photos come to you.
Old Coat of Paint
I think this is one of the few photos I’ve taken where I specifically waited for people to be in the frame; normally I avoid people in my photos like the plague.
Vastness and Solitude
It’s interesting how often you can find striking images by just zooming in on small objects: this particular flower was no larger than my pinky nail.
Just Another House
I appreciated how starkly red this door was on this otherwise plain stretch of village road in Enniskerry, Ireland. Didn’t spend much time thinking, just snapped the photo, and it turned into one I really liked.
Touched by the Light
This photo was taken about an hour before sunset in the late spring, laying down on the ground and squinting into the viewfinder.
Morning Glory
You don’t have to go far to get good pictures; I took this one while I was eating breakfast.
A photo taken in a park in Dublin while I hadn’t slept in about 20 hours, leaning over a railing looking at a rather scummy marsh. The odd perspective and leaning plants make it feel almost surreal.
Sunset Stairway
One of my rare excursions walking around a city for the sole purpose of taking pictures. I tend to stay away from golden hour photography but this one felt right.
Small Falls
A tiny little spot, only an inch or so wide, between two rocks on a much wider river. The day I took this one was hot and miserable, so it was nice to sit and just appreciate the water for a while.
Flowers 3
It’s strange how an odd angle of a simple flower bush from a local neighborhood can add so much depth to an image. I appreciate the surreal nature the flowers in the background lend.
Occasionally you take a photo that just strikes an emotional chord. This photo makes me think about people and times that never happened, years before I was born.
The Wallflower
I nearly put my camera away before spotting this one. I never know what sort of photos I’m going to find when you’re out walking, so it’s important to keep my head on a swivel and my mind open.
Half and Half
Occasionally in older cities near me, you’ll find these brick townhouses that have been sold off to people who seem to have completely contrasting ideas of what the place should look like. I think it looks better like this.
The Silent Tower
Sometimes a change in perspective is all it takes to find some really interesting photos. This is just a lamppost in the middle of a town.
Grim Beauty
A gravesite in Glendalough, Ireland; an ancient monastic settlement which was wiped out ages ago, settled in a wonderful valley.
Puff and Prim
Skellig Michael is an island off the coast of Ireland, entirely filled with puffins. They’re quite used to the visitors, though.
A birdhouse that’s hung outside my parents’ house for ages. I don’t even remember when the bottom broke out.
Castles Made of Sand
This was one of those shots I took and didn’t even think about much until much later on. The beach feels much more forlorn than it actually was.
Golden Lily
Another photo taken from my mother’s garden. She keeps such a wide variety of flowers in the garden that there’s something different popping up every time I look.
Walk the Line
Black and white photography really does feel different once you get an eye for it. In color this shot feels wholly uninteresting to me, but here the sharp contrasts really make it stand out.
Melted in Time
Playing around with shutter speeds and water has become a bit of a fascination of mine; it’s amazing how different something can look whether it’s in motion or not. This particular image is an extremely high shutter speed photo of a waterfall.
Wood Falls Like Water
This photo is as much about the framing as it is about the waterfall itself; while the waterfall itself is gorgeous, the rocks and trees around it with the light filtering through the trees really elevates this one in my eyes.
Ave, Avis!
Yet another heron that walked right up to me, maybe withing 5 feet, while I sat still snapping pictures. They’re gorgeous birds.
Flowers 4
These are some flowers from my mother’s garden, actually. She couldn’t remember the name, but we both appreciated how delicate the flowers looked.
River of Clouds
A long-exposure shot I took while wading through rapids I wasn’t supposed to be wading through. I came very close to falling and hitting my head on rocks several times.
Wasting Daylight
The only shot from a whole hike’s worth of shots that I was happy with, and even then only after edits. I learned a lesson about how well black and white photography deals with high-contrast shots.
Red Raindrops
Yet another sleep-deprived photo of completely random flowers overhanging someone’s garden wall in Dublin. Maybe I work better in those conditions.
Bumbling Around
Bumblebees are one of those things I take photos of whenever I can, because it’s quite hard to keep them in focus more often than not.
Do You Remember Summer?
A lovely shot taken from a viewpoint along a hiking trail of a river near Annapolis, Maryland, USA. The leaves framed the shot perfectly, I quite literally walked into it.
Stark Absence
I feel like this one should be in a movie somewhere. Ironically, this was taken right down the street from the gorgeous houses with flowers everywhere that I usually walk past.
Somewhere Between
A photo taken at Glendalough, Ireland. You can see one of the lakes in the area, but I was more focused on the clouds and the mountains. The two ladies standing there were unwitting subjects, but I think they add a lot.
Grace Under Pressure
It felt a bit out of place to see wilting flowers in the Irish National Botanical Gardens, but this one was beautiful all the same.
Rolling Into the Past
My father’s coworker has a son who brought this lovely old Plymouth up to show off unexpectedly, and I had to take a few pictures.
Black on Yellow
It’s very entertaining to watch bumblebees meander from flower to flower; sometimes I’ll just follow them around to see which flowers they pick.
Every Frame a Painting
One of the benefits of getting up early for work is getting to enjoy the gorgeous early morning skies.
Every Frame a Painting 2
The sheer variety you can get from looking at the skies during sunrise on different days is incredible, in my opinion.
Just Another House 2
Sometimes you just snap a photo and it turns out right. I didn’t put a ton of thought into this shot, but when I went back to look at it, I loved the composition.
If you’d like to purchase prints from my portfolio, other photos on the site, or you’d like to see if I have something that fits your needs more, contact me here.
This work © 2024 by David Bolen is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal